
Serbian Journal of Management is officially supporting International May Conference on Strategic Management (IMCSM)

First announcement and call for papers
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Since 2006, Published by Technical Faculty in Bor - Serbia. 

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Serbian Journal of Management, 8(1) (2013) 1 - 132 

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New Members of Editorial Board Milan Stamatović; Vasilika Kume   1
Jan Kalina Highly Robust Methods in Data Mining
Marija Savić, Ivan Mihajlović and Živan Živković An ANFIS - Based Air Quality Model for Prediction of SO2 Concentration in Urban Area
Mousumi Bhattacharya Foreign Investment Inflows and Sectoral Growth Pattern in India - an Empirical Study
Mihaela (Simonescu) Bratu  Improvements in Assessing the Forecast Accuracy - a Case Study for Romanian Macroeconomic Forecast
Vasilika Kume and Zhaklina Dhamo  Has the Bologna Process Improved Masters Education Standards? Perspectives of Albanian Employers
Lidija Barjaktarović, Dejan Ječmenica, Maja Paunović Ratio Analysis of Actual Business Performance of Open Investment Funds in Serbia
Mohammed Naved Khan and Mohd Adil Data Analysis Techniques in Service Quality Literature: Essentials and Advances
Book Review:
Manoj Kumar Marketing Research - A Practical Approach (Author: Bonita Kolb, SAGE Publications)
Short Communication/Letter to Editor:
Peter Schulte, Dragana Živković, Michael Graef, Jaka Vadnjal, Gelu Trisca, Ivan Mihajlovic, Daniel Pavlov, Vasilika Kume, Živan Živković, Makedonka Dimitrova, Dževad Zečić, Jasmin Halebić, Adrian Tantau RESITA NETWORK - Academic Entrepreneurship and Innovation Network of South Eastern European Universities: and example of successful networking in entrepreneurship and innovation at academic level 117
Cancellation of the paper:  MANAGING CUSTOMERS AS INVESTMENTS, originally published in Serbian Journal of Management 2 (1) (2007) 67 - 75, by author: Usha Kiran Rai 131
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