
Serbian Journal of Management is officially supporting International May Conference on Strategic Management (IMCSM)

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Since 2006, Published by Technical Faculty in Bor - Serbia. 

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Serbian Journal of Management, 14(2) (2019) 249 - 453

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Ivan Mihajlović, Isidora Milošević, Anđelka Stojanović MetadataInternational Visegrad project: How to prevent SMEs from failure - action based on comparative analysis in Visegrad countries and Serbia 249
Gentjan Cera, Jaroslav Belas, Eliska Zapletalikova MetadataExplaining business failure through determinist and voluntarist perspectives 257
Luisa Diez-Echavarria, Alejandro Valencia Arias, Jonathan Bermudez Hernandez, Fausto Orlando Maussa Perez, Maria Lucelly Urrego Marin, Jairo Adolofo Torres Velasquez MetadataExtension of the systemic entrepreneurship intention model in university students 277
Jaroslav Vrchota, Petr Rehor MetadataThe influence of a human resource strategy to the function of human resource processes in small and medium - sized enterprises (SMEs) 299
Gelmar Garcia-Vidal, Alexander Sanchez-Rodriguez, Reyner Perez-Campdesuner, Rodobaldo Martinez-Vivar MetadataThe impact of self-confidence, creativity and vision on leadership performance: perceptions at Ecuadorian SMEs owner - manaagers 315
Melinda Majlath, Aniko Kelemen-Erdos, Cyntia Valocikova MetadataUnderstanding SME's failure - focus on success factors and gender differences: comparative analysis of SME's in Czech Republic, Hungary and Serbia 327
Isidora Milošević, Ivan Mihajlović, Anđelka Stojanović MetadataDominant factors of SMEs failure - multigroup confirmatory factor analysis 345
Sylvia Jenčova, Petra Vasanicova, Eva Litavcova MetadataFinancial indicators of the company from electrical engineering industry: the case study of Tesla inc. 361
Viktor Oliinyk, Olga Kozmenko MetadataOptimization of investment portfolio management 373
Aleksandra Szewieczek, Bartlomiej Lisicki MetadataDiscriminatory models' adaptation in small and medium sized health care entities 389
Asad Ahmad, Arham Adnan, Mohammed Naved Khan MetadataLifestyles concepts and ecological behavior: an empirical study in India 405
Bader AlmohaimmeedMetadataPillars of customer retention: an empirical study on the influence of customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, customer profitability on customer retention 421
Lenka Labudova, Denisa JanošovaMetadataAnalysis of support and identification of barriers to SMEs in Slovakia and in the Czech Republic 437
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