
Serbian Journal of Management is officially supporting International May Conference on Strategic Management (IMCSM)

First announcement and call for papers
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Since 2006, Published by Technical Faculty in Bor - Serbia. 

Electronic version of this Journal is an Open Accessed source of information  

SJM is covered by EBSCO Publishing (



The articles appearing in the list below have been submitted to the Serbian Journal of Management (SJM) for publication. The articles have passed the reviewing process and are accepted for publication in one of the following issues, based on the quality control and referees suggestions. Before the final publication the manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism on the official IThenticate platform. 

Editor-in-Chief has the last word concerning the issue in which each paper will be published. Also, Editor-in-Chief can, in his sole discretion, decide not to publish a paper from the list below, if the IThenticate control indicate some irregularities. 

Article ID:
Ozan Buyukyilmaz, Cihan KaraLinking leaders’ toxic leadership behaviors to employee attitudes and behaviors
DOI:10.5937/sjm19-45897PDF - Uncorrected Proof Version
Available online:25 May 2024(Received 27 March 2023; accepted 20 March 2024)