and Scope
Technical Faculty in Bor, University of Belgrade has started publishing
the journal called Serbian Journal of Management during the year 2006.
This journal is an international medium for the publication of work on
the theory and practice of management science.
Types of contributions
- Original
research work not already published;
- Plenary lectures
and/or individual papers given at conferences, , however not already published in books of proceedings;
- Review articles;
- Letters to Editor ;
- Book reviews.
Submission of contributions
electronic submission of papers is possible. Regular papers, prepared
to instructions to authors should be sent using our on-line submission
system available at:
of manuscripts
language: Papers will be published only in English.
estimation of length:
- for original research works: less than 15 pages together with tables
and figures
- for review articles: up to 20 pages
- for short notices and letters: 2 to 5 pages
- for book reviews: up to 5 pages
for special issues: up to 10 pages
* keywords: a
maximum of six words should be indicated below the abstract
* text
research papers should be organized into following sections: Title page
(Including title of the manuscript, first names and last names of all
authors, complete institutions addresses of all authors, ORCID numbers
for all authors, corresponding author’s e-mail address); Abstract (100
- 200
words); Introduction; Experimental (research); Results; Discussion;
Conclusions; References. The title of the paper together with names of
all authors and their addresses should be given at the title page.
Corresponding author must be indicated with an asterisk with full
address given (including the post and the e-mail address).
Please indicate the position of each figure and the table in the text
of the paper (for example using the text: <Place Figure 1 here> or <Place Table 1 here>).
*Figures: During
initial submission all figures should be given on separate pages at the end of the
manuscript. All figures should be numbered, using Arabic numerals, in
order of their appearance in the text. After acceptance of the
paper, authors will be asked to send all figures in TIFF or JPG form as separate files
(with resolution min 300 dpi).
*A separate list of figure and/or
scheme captions, which makes the figures and/or schemes
comprehensible without reference to the text, should be provided in
numerical order on a separate page, at the end of the manuscript.
Tables must
be given on separate pages at the end of the manuscript. The tables
should be numbered consequently in Arabic numerals. Quantities should
be separated from units by a slash (/). In tables, as well as in entire
text of the manuscript, use the dot (.) as the decimal separator
Footnotes to tables (if any),
in size 12 font, are to be indicated consequently (lineby-line) in
superscript letters. Tables should be prepared with the aid of the WORD
table function, without vertical lines. The minimum size of the font in
the tables should be 10 pt. Table columns must not be formatted using
multiple spaces. Table rows must not be formatted using Carriage
returns (enter key). Tables should not be incorporated as graphical
*A separate list of table captions,
which makes the tables comprehensible without reference to the text,
should be provided in numerical order on a separate page, at the end of
the manuscript.
* References should be arranged as
In text: Put
parentheses around the citation(s), use author's last name and correct
date (Spender, 1995) or (Spender & Kessler, 1995). If the
have more than one publication in a year, use the following notation
(Spender, 1995, 1995a). When a work is in press, please use (Ford, in
press). If the name of the author or the date appear as part of the
narrative, cite only missing information in parantheses. For
example: Spender (1995) concluded that ....
a work has three, four, or five authors include only the surname of the
first author followed by "et al." (Latin for "and others") and year of
publication. For example: Kahneman et al. (1991) found ....
End of Text:
For articles:
Dewar, R.D., & Dutton, J.E. (1986). The adoption of radical and
incremental innovations: An empirical analysis. Management Science, 32,
Dougherty, D. (1990). Understanding new markets for products. Strategic
Management Journal, 11, 59-78.
For articles when cited journal does
not publish sequential page numbers throughout a year:
Foker, L.B. (1991). Quality: American, Japanese, and Soviet
perspectives. Academy of Management Executive, 5(4), 63-74.
Gupta, A.K., & Wilemon, D.L. (1990). Accelerating development
of technology-based new products. California Management Review, 32(2),
For Books:
Hall, E.T. (1983). The dance of life: The other dimension of time.
Garden City, NY, USA: Anchor Press.
Jones, J.W. (1993). High-speed management. San Francisco, CA, USA:
For articles in books:
Katz, R. (1980). Time and Work: Toward an integrated perspective. Pp.
81-127 in L.L. Cummings & B.M. Staw (Eds.), Research in
organizational behaviour, Vol. 3. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
References in not-English languages should be translated in English,
and the original language has to be mentioned in brackets (in Serbian),
for example.
Preparation of compuscripts
The article should be prepared by word processor MSWord 2007 or higher,
using simple fonts Times New Roman size 12 with double line spacing.
TIFF files are preferred for the figures.
All papers will be double blind peer reviewed by the appropriate
members of the Editorial
Board and leading international experts from adequate
management science disciplines. All accepted manuscripts will also be checked
for plagiarism using the IThenticate
platform. Authors of finally accepted manuscripts will be asked to make
the revision of proofs before printing.
Manuscripts and compuscripts of papers submitted in Serbian Journal of Management will not be sent back to the authors.
Editor- in - Chief has the last word concerning
the issue for publication of each accepted paper in SJM.
Publishing manuscripts in SJM is free of
charge. There are no article processing or article submission charges.
authors will have to sign a copyright agreement before their paper
appears online. This agreement contains the statement that the
manuscript is presenting original work conducted by author(s) and is
not published or considered for publication in any other journal.