Journal of Management
vol. 12, iss. 2, pp. 201-215
to perceive the corporate social responsibility in the agro-food
Iveta, Moravčíková Kamila
University of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics and Management, Nitra,
e-mail: iubreziova@gmail.com
basic aim of the article is to evaluate the extent of a companies’
engagement with CSR as well as to uncover the nature and type of CSR
activities in the agro-food companies operating in the Slovak Republic.
In order to fulfill the basic aim, we set the partial aims which
involve several research questions. Primary information and data were
obtained by the questionnaire survey in order to assess the level of
companies’ engagement with CSR policy and activities they carry out
within this policy. Secondary data consist of various publications,
web-pages of selected companies, their annual general statements and
statements concerning CSR policy. To every company, one questionnaire
was distributed - in some case, it was possible to send it directly to
person responsible for CSR activities. To graphically display our
results, we used MS Excel and for other statistical processing SAS and
SPSS. According to the results and findings from the questionnaire
survey, the authors of the article finds it appropriate to offer
several recommendations and ideas dealing with support of CSR in the
Slovak Republic.

This Work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
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