Journal of Management
vol. 12, iss. 2, pp. 305-315
adaptation as key activity in human resource management upon
implementing and maintaining desired organisational culture
- School of Economics and Management in Public Administration.
Bratislava, Slovak Republic
b - Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Management,
Institute of Production Engineering, Częstochowa, Poland
e-mail: zdenko.stacho@vsemvs.sk
order to achieve the greatest possible equivalence between human
resources in a company and desired organisational culture elements
declared by a company, it is necessary to interconnect activities
within individual functions of human resource management with desired
values, attitudes and work behaviour. Such an interconnection is
crucial for a positive response of employees to a suitable
organisational culture, its embedding in their behaviour and subsequent
sharing and spreading of organisational values. This paper will
specifically define individual activities related to the adaptation of
employees which need to be carried out in this regard. Based on a
research conducted between 2011 and 2013, the paper will also define
the present state and level of focus of organisations operating in
Slovakia on both organisational culture as a whole and organisational
culture in the context of employee adaptation.

This Work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
culture; human
resource management;
adaptation of employees; organisations operating in Slovakia |
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