Journal of Management
vol. 12, iss. 2, pp. 255-270
of human development through the output-oriented super efficiency VRS
DEA model without inputs
a- Ondokuz
Mayıs University, Department of Economics, Samsun, Turkey
University, Department of Economics, Erzurum, Turkey
e-mail: mirac.eren@omu.edu.tr
Human Development Index (abbv. HDI) being a popular measure of human
well-being has become a measure of human development. However, the HDI
has received the major criticisms relating the data structure and the
particularly equal weighting scheme. In this study, to eliminate
mentioned shortcomings, the measurement of human development was again
revisited in the light of data envelopment analysis (DEA). All of the
variables used in HDI account were taken as output variables to sort
out the relative performance of the countries. In the absence of input
variables, and a case in which there are only output variables was
reorganized by the formulation of super-efficiency model developed by
Andersen and Petersen (1993). The formulation obtained was applied to
the Radial based DEA model without inputs, which it is considered as
the output of all of the relevant variables, and developed by Lovell
and Pastor (1999).

This Work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Development Index; Data
Envelopment Analysis; Efficiency |
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