Journal of Management
vol. 12, iss. 1, pp. 29-40
success factors for effective strategic change: Role of middle
managers' strategic involvement
Islam Ukil, Ali Akkas
managers are believed to play most crucial part in strategic change
that in consequence leads to organizational success. The present study
seeks to identify the underlying success factors for effective
strategic change and, to investigate the relationship between middle
management strategic involvement and effective strategic change. Data
were collected following a survey administered among a group of
mid-level managers (N=144) serving in twenty different private
commercial banks in Bangladesh, and analyzed using various statistical
tests including descriptive analysis, Pearson correlation, and simple
and multiple regressions in STATA. Results uncovers that factors like
relation with top management, strategy, role and skills are essential
for effective strategic change. This study also reveals significant
relationship between middle management strategic involvement and
effective strategic change. Findings of this research suggest that
organizations shall involve mid-level managers to formulate and
implement strategy since middle mangers work as a bridge between top
management and ground level workers.
This Work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
managers, strategic change, strategic involvement, strategic management.
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