Journal of Management
vol. 12, iss. 1, pp. 1-27
decision making: an example of sensitivity analysis
S. Pamučar, Darko Božanić and Aca Ranđelović
of defence in Belgrade, Military academy, Pavla Jurišića Šturma 33,
11000 Belgrade
e-mail: dpamucar@gmail.com
study provides a model for result consistency evaluation of
multicriterial decision making (MDM) methods and selection of the
optimal one. The model is based on the analysis of results of MDM
methods, that is, the analysis of changes in rankings of MDM methods
that occur as a result of alterations in input parameters. In the
recommended model, we examine sensitivity analysis of MDM methods to
changes in criteria weight and result consistency of methods to changes
in measurement scale and the way in which we formulate criteria. In the
final phase of the model, we select the most suitable method to solve
the observed problem and the optimal alternative. The model is tested
on an example, when the optimal MDM method selection was required in
order to determine the location of the logistical center. During the
selection process, TOPSIS, COPRAS, VIKOR and ELECTRE methods were
considered. VIKOR method demonstrated the biggest stability of rankings
and was selected as the most fit method for ranking the locations of
the logistical center. Results of the demonstrated analysis indicate
sensitivity of standard MDM methods to criteria considered in this
work. Therefore, it is necessary, to take into account stability of the
considered method during the selection process of the optimal method.
This Work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
decision making methods, TOPSIS, COPRAS, VIKOR, ELECTRE
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