Journal of Management
vol. 12, iss. 1, pp. 41-52
impact of training on operational performance: the case of the customs
service at Nikola Tesla airport in Belgrade
this paper the impact of risk analysis and assessment training of the
customs officers on improvement of their operational performances at
Nikola Tesla airport in Belgrade is presented. The aim of the research
is to measure the perception of the customs officers at the airport
about the operational effectiveness of the risk analysis training
program. The research was conducted through survey, by collecting data
from the questionnaire disseminated to the customs officers who were
divided into experimental (the officers who attained the training) and
control group (the officers who have not attained the training). Both
groups of the officers evaluated the statements about their performance
contribution in effective collection of revenue, facilitation of trade
and passengers, border control and protection level and reputation of
the customs unit at the airport. The results of the research show that
there is a significant difference between the groups, which confirms
the hypothesis that the risk analysis and assessment training has a
positive impact on the customs officers’ operational efficiency.
This Work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
operational performance, risk analysis, customs service.
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